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Monica L. Elliott, Plaintiff Robert M. Elliott, Plaintiff Monica Garriet, Plaintiff Jeffery G. Garris, Plaintiff Millie A. Newsom, Plaintiff Richard E. Newton, Plaintiff

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Publisher Summary. The central importance of the general phenomenon of sensing of external stimuli by cells has been appreciated for a long time, but has truly become a dominant part of cell and molecular biology research in the past two decades, in part because a description of the dynamic responses of cells to external stimuli is in essence a description of the life process itself.

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The existence and continuity of a smooth path for solving the nonlinear complementarity problem (NCP) with a P 0 function are discussed. The Jacobian consistency of this class of In this paper we introduce a new smoothing function and show that it is coercive under suitable assumptions. Based on this new function, we propose a smoothing Newton method for solving the Publisher Summary.

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"El periodismo es en lo exter-no una profesi6n, en lo interno un sacerdocio". Pepin Rivero DI ARIO DE LA MARINA DECANO DE LA PRENSA DE CUBA 123 aios al servicio de los inte-

345 Elizabeth. Mary.